I have been pondering a blog for a long, long time...actually, I started one about a year ago and didn't diligently keep up with it, so find myself here deciding that it is time to commit.
Commit...that is a scary word sometimes...don't you think? If you commit to something that means you can't back out...no whining, no excuses, no procrastinating. Of those things, I am really good at two. I'm not a whiner but, I am a world class procrastinator. Something I've decided to try and change....soo....I'm biting the bullet, and committing to keeping this blog up and running...and eventually all my friends and hopefully some folks I'm yet to meet will follow it and actually possibly enjoy it a bit....
What you can expect..well...seeings how I am a reforming procrastinator, you can expect several posts per week, I'm not going to go all cold turkey and promise a post a day...I am a busy girl you know. :D My posts will likely tell you about my business and what I'm working on, as well as, helpful tips, great links to great blogs and hints...and whatever else strikes my fancy.
I'm hoping, well...the plan is to start producing one original outfit per week at a minimum....ya, I know...good luck with that, but that is my goal...I've been following a girl who makes a dress a day for one dollar...I'll give you a link soon...she started her journey because of being laid off...she was inspired by the Julie Julia movie. By the way, did you see that? If not...it is a fabulous movie, you should check it out for sure. Anyway...I'm not that ambitious yet...did I mention I'm a procrastinator? So my goal for my journey so far is to create something wonderful at least once a week and you my dear readers to be, will help keep me accountable.
I'll introduce you to my family....there's Dan, he's my love, my best friend, my partner in this journey of life and sounding board. Shawn, he's my newly adult, newly graduated, trying to find himself, sometimes aggravating but always lovable son. Megan, she is my vet to be, animal loving, pre-teen, moody, trying to find herself, sweet and loving daughter....and....Kaleigh. Kaleigh is my baby and she knows it, loud, not afraid of anything, bold, funny, cuddly most of the time, social butterfly, most of the time sweet and loving daughter. I'm sure you'll also hear of my parents and my Gram and Dan's family...from time to time too.
Well...I'm looking forward to sharing with you my future readers....oh...there will be a tutorial or two that I share as well...starting....and I think I'm being brave here...tomorrow. :D Hope you have a good night!