Friday, December 10, 2010

It's GIVEAWAY time!!!

Hi folks...hope you are all well and enjoying the season! I've been busy working on things for this givaway....please make sure you check out a few posts down for directions...I'll be posting them once more on Sunday. Be sure to work on your point totals...and don't forget to tell someone about me! I really appreciate the help!

Gift two is too ctue! It's a fet crayon roll with a mini steno pad. This would make a perfect stocking stuffer...:D

Gift number 3. You are looking at reusable handwarmers! You can put them in the microwave for 20 seconds for the most wonderful toasty warm hands! You will receive 3 pairs of warmers and their covers...thats a lot of warm fingers...or 2: (I say keep one for you) put them in some stockings...that's two less you have to get...

Thanks for playing with me and hope you have a great night!


Thursday, December 9, 2010

FINALLY! Give A-Way information and more....

Hope you are all enjoying the season and aren't too cold! I've been down with the flu for a week so missed getting this info to you last week...I am sorry for that...'s the skinny on the give-away....:O)

I have given myself a goal to reach by the first of the year...I want to increase my facebook fan page followers to 150 and I am wanting to increase my blog followers that are actually tagged as followers to 25. I am also setting a goal that my followers will be active and participate via comments etc. I would love your feedback on things I'm doing, and also stuff you'd be interested in seeing. I'm working on some new classes and some home party type classes too. I'm excited to announce them in another week or so...just need to finish up the details when I get a minute.

With all of these goals in mind I thought it would be cool to give back to all of you who have referred me and are referring I'm offering three fun give-a-ways that you will receive in time for Christmas whoever the winners are...One less gift to purchase...or, keep it for yourself and enjoy! :D My plan is to do give-a-ways every couple of months to keep things fun and to give some fun new products away...I'll probably include some tried and true favorites as well....:D So now on to the details...

Christmas Give-A-Way #1

You will receive this:

Cute Mrs. Clause apron modeled by Kaleigh aka: the drama queen, and the K of MK Collection (my clothing line if you didn't know). This apron will fit older children through plus sized ladies...very versatile and so much fun for holiday baking!

How you can win this apron:

You will receive entries for all of the following (the more you do, the better your chances are of winning...:D)

1. For every comment here or on my facebook fan page found here: you will receive one entry...the more you comment the more entries you get. :D

2. For every person you refer to my fan page and they choose to "like" me (sounds pathetic I know...but I'm marketing people :D) you will get an entry. The way I will keep track of this (this is important....)
is that they will need to make a comment and include your name in the comment so I can give the correct person the credit. New followers and fans are able to participate in this point gathering too. :D

3. If you offer me a suggestion for a new product, that'll earn a point.

4. If you make a purchase from me either from facebook, the blog or my etsy you'll earn an entry.

So...with all those ways to earn entries...ladies and gents...let the games begin! :D I'll be posting two more gifts later today...there will be a first, second and third place winner for this contest...and remember...I'm planning to do this again relatively soon...

Thanks so much for all your support and love. I really appreciate it! Happy holidays to all of you and your families from me and mine!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Shop Finds and Give-Away Info....

Thought I'd share with you some of the fun things you might find in my shop. I feature all handmade items and most are made by artisans right in NH! Bringing shopping local to new heights! I can take orders over the phone, I do accept paypal and am happy to ship if you are looking for a one of a kind, or few of a kind gift for your special someone...

I'll be sharing several more pictures here in the next several days...check back again! :D

Quickly...some housekeeping....The GIVE-AWAY's.....Look on Thursday for the announcement with rules etc....hints: be thinking about referring me, my shop, my etsy, facebook and blog...they are all ways to help you win! Gifts will be for kiddos and ladies this time...Guys...there will be something for you too...but not till next week. I have a goal in mind and I need your help....more on that on Thursday...

Now on to the fun stuff: Pictures!!!! Let me know what you think...I'd love your feedback...Thanks!

This cute jumper is made with vintage chenille, the face is embroidered on for the younger kiddos, through a size 6, the larger sizes have a choice of button face or embroidered face.

This pretty ivy bowl is filled with rose scented potpourri mingled with mini led lights. It is topped with a vintage crocheted lace square. The lights are long lasting and are run with batteries so it can be placed anywhere....these lights are a low energy draw so your battery life is long....

This little penny rug is really cute, it is perfect for a mat to put your condiments on or a wall hanging. This has been made by one of my wonderful consignors.

This mouse has two sisters...they also have three sister cats as well. All pieces are sold individually. How cute is she!? She is made by the same gal who made the penny rug, such talent!

Kid's play cuisine at it's finest! Ham or bologna or whatever their imagination makes the meat, swiss cheese, lettuce and tomatoes on white or wheat bread...this felt could go either way...:D

One of my favorite projects...I've sold a bunch...and am making more for the shop...this is made of all wool felt, cotton floss and recycled plastic fiberfill. Earth friendly and kid friendly! I'm working on some other felt foods as well...check back soon!

Another adorable product from a consignor. This is an embroidered bib and burp set...perfect for your little angel's first Christmas!

More features and pictures to come...check back tomorrow...:D

Oh dear....I find that we are already in December...could someone please tell me where October and November went to...I seem to have lost them somewhere....I've been looking in all the corners of my shop and they are definately gone...:( So...I guess we move on to Christmas and winter!

I have some lovely things in my boutique that are perfect for Christmas gifts....and I'm always available to do custom work as well. The website is up and running...still have a few tweaks to do but it is functioning. yeah! I've also been listing on the end of my post, look for some links to find me!

I need to boost my readership from just a handful to many many soon on facebook and here you will be seeing a give-a-way or two, just in time for the holidays....think something for santa to leave in a stocking and something for Mom to use....More to follow in the next day or two.

I'm making an early New Years Resolution to try and update the blog at least 3 times a week. I'm shooting for Monday, Wednesday and Friday or Saturday depending....

Check out these things...they can all be found in the shop! I'm also doing make it and take it Saturday's for kids. Mom's and Dad's you can bring your little ones into the shop and either come back in an hour, or have fun making some projects for gifts with your child. This weekend we are working on several Christmas ornaments. The kids can complete the project in the time frame allowed and wrap it here to take with them for under the tree. I'm gearing these projects for kids 3-12, younger and older are certainly able to participate as well....the younger set might need a helping hand, the older set might not take as long to complete said projects. Come on by and join in on the fun! 9-12 open house style.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My bride's dress is nearly there....ahhhh..... we put it together...first I should say, we started with a packaged pattern that we ended up scrapping all together for the Dawna version...which...fits her better and I think looks nicer too...:D So I ended up making my own pattern. Denise learned how to make a muslin and the basics for putting it together and I'm sewing THE dress and re-beading where beads had to come off to sew it together. Tomorrow we are lining it and making all the trim etc. permanent. Thursday we are doing any last minute fitting stuff and I'm making her veil, then we are done...none too soon. She is getting married to her man on Saturday morning. Did I mention he is a soldier? He's coming home from Afghanistan so they can tie the knot and get a little R&R. They haven't seen each other since January. A big big big THANK YOU to Brian and all his family for his service and their support! Perhaps sometime early next week I'll be adding a simple tutorial for an easy peasy wedding veil.....stay the meantime....enjoy some "in the progress" pictures of Denise and her nearly done dress....

Saturday, September 11, 2010

About biting the bullet....

I thought I would be posting more this week than once....I've been working on a wedding dress for a friend of mine...we've got the muslin all we are onto cutting the ACTUAL dress out and I'll be sewing it together on hopefully Tuesday you ask...when is the wedding...well...I would love to answer 3 months from now, are I doing well getting a grip on my perpetual procrastination problem? And I would love to be so proud of myself for doing so....alas...I am not able to say I have a grip, or that I've been able to overcome that very bad habit of mine....her wedding is in week, actually less than one week because it is now 4PM on Saturday and her wedding is occurring at 11AM next Saturday. I will get it done, she will be beautiful and the beat will go on...:D I'll post pictures on Monday with the start of our adventure. I'm also working on some cool fall and winter sets for the shop. See you Monday with pictures....

Monday, September 6, 2010

Okay, so I'm biting the bullet!

I have been pondering a blog for a long, long time...actually, I started one about a year ago and didn't diligently keep up with it, so find myself here deciding that it is time to commit.

Commit...that is a scary word sometimes...don't you think? If you commit to something that means you can't back whining, no excuses, no procrastinating. Of those things, I am really good at two. I'm not a whiner but, I am a world class procrastinator. Something I've decided to try and change....soo....I'm biting the bullet, and committing to keeping this blog up and running...and eventually all my friends and hopefully some folks I'm yet to meet will follow it and actually possibly enjoy it a bit....

What you can expect..well...seeings how I am a reforming procrastinator, you can expect several posts per week, I'm not going to go all cold turkey and promise a post a day...I am a busy girl you know. :D My posts will likely tell you about my business and what I'm working on, as well as, helpful tips, great links to great blogs and hints...and whatever else strikes my fancy.

I'm hoping, well...the plan is to start producing one original outfit per week at a minimum....ya, I know...good luck with that, but that is my goal...I've been following a girl who makes a dress a day for one dollar...I'll give you a link soon...she started her journey because of being laid off...she was inspired by the Julie Julia movie. By the way, did you see that? If is a fabulous movie, you should check it out for sure. Anyway...I'm not that ambitious yet...did I mention I'm a procrastinator? So my goal for my journey so far is to create something wonderful at least once a week and you my dear readers to be, will help keep me accountable.

I'll introduce you to my family....there's Dan, he's my love, my best friend, my partner in this journey of life and sounding board. Shawn, he's my newly adult, newly graduated, trying to find himself, sometimes aggravating but always lovable son. Megan, she is my vet to be, animal loving, pre-teen, moody, trying to find herself, sweet and loving daughter....and....Kaleigh. Kaleigh is my baby and she knows it, loud, not afraid of anything, bold, funny, cuddly most of the time, social butterfly, most of the time sweet and loving daughter. I'm sure you'll also hear of my parents and my Gram and Dan's family...from time to time too.

Well...I'm looking forward to sharing with you my future readers....oh...there will be a tutorial or two that I share as well...starting....and I think I'm being brave here...tomorrow. :D Hope you have a good night!